The Coconutty Sea Moss Drink You All Have Been Waiting For!


Coconut shakes are a favorite of many of us; such is the popularity of this delicious fruit. How about we take things one step ahead and whip up a coconutty sea moss drink? Sea moss has incredible health benefits and when combined with coconut, an enthralling experience is guaranteed. So, if you were looking for an exciting way to consume sea moss, well, you have landed on the perfect page. Master the art of whipping a perfect coconutty sea moss drink with us in this brief!

Ingredients & Equipment

Here is what you need to whip up a perfect coconutty sea moss drink: 

  1. Blender 
  2. Cinnamon 
  3. Nutmeg
  4. Water 
  5. Sea Moss 
  6. Coconut milk 
  7. Honey 
  8. Vanilla Extract 


  1. First, wash the sea moss as thoroughly as possible. Purity is necessary for perfection in this case. 
  2. Once you have washed the sea moss, please soak it for 24-48 hours. 
  3. Once the soaking time is up, it is time to blend the sea moss using a blender machine. 
  4. Then, please add the remaining ingredients. It is extremely important to ensure a homogenous blending for perfect mixing. How much of each ingredient should you add? Well, that’s a question whose answer depends on the number of people you serve. 
  5. Perfect mixing means your drink is ready. It is best to serve the drink chilled or with ice. As for garnishing, we will leave it up to your imagination. 

Why is Sea Moss Beneficial For You?

Researchers have been trying to understand the benefits of sea moss for some time 

  1. The role of sea moss in improving immune modulation has already been established by research. So, you boost your immune system if you have a swig of this amazing drink we have just described.
  2. It is incredible how gut microbiota can influence our daily activities. Sea moss is enriched with fiber, which is like a treat for our gut microbiota. The microbiota also plays an extremely important role in defending our body from external pathogens. 

Final Thoughts 

You have already got your blender; we see you; we see you! Sea moss is hailed as a superfood by many in the 21st century, and rightly so. But one has to find different ways to consume sea moss, and this coconutty drink is certainly one such effective way. One more thing, you will need quality sea moss to whip up this drink, and one place where you can find it is Herbal Vineyard


Palstra AP, Kals J, Blanco Garcia A, Dirks RP, Poelman M. Immunomodulatory Effects of Dietary Seaweeds in LPS Challenged Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar as Determined by Deep RNA Sequencing of the Head Kidney Transcriptome. Front Physiol. 2018 Jun 1;9:625.


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